AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

South Australian Riverland Wine Region Attractions

What better place to stop and smell the roses than Ruston's Rose Garden in Renmark, Australia's largest rose garden. Surrounded by more than 4000 varieties of the romantic flower itself, the rose g...
Taking you back to the rural community of an era past, Loxton Historical Village is an award winning destination in the heart of South Australia's Riverland. Encompassing over 45 buildings, Loxton ...
Originally built out to sea from Cape Jaffa and later moved to Kingston, the Cape Jaffa Lighthouse is standing history for the Riverland region. Within the structure itself, the Cape Jaffa Lighthou...
You’ll love the spacious feel of the Shearwater with her large front deck, roomy salon and huge canopied upper deck. You will also love the pleasing decor of the four double bedrooms (two with sing...
In the office of the Irrigation Trust, built in 1892. The Canadian Chaffey Brothers were pioneeers in irrigation methods here and in Mildura.
National Trust listed.
Rise out of nowhere on the beach just north of Kingston.
built in 1876, a monument to the town's fishing industry.
A recreated early settlement. Loxton's first dwelling, a pug and pine hut built in 1878, has been reconstructed here.
Canoe Hire, Guided Tours and Canoe Camping Expeditions, located in Berri in the beautiful Riverland. Half day hire for a single kayak starting from $40 pp.