AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

Jin Choi

Jin Choi




In the five years before I came to Australia, I did what a lot of young, ambitious Chefs in Korea do, which is to focus on Western cuisine. After this I decided to move overseas where I could pursue this further. Since moving to Australia, in 2009, I have worked at some of the best restaurants in Australia as Sous Chef, including” The Bridge Room, Magill Estate and Momofuku Seibo. I was also invited to work at Noma Australia’s Sydney pop-up. 

Have you always wanted to be a Chef? 

I have always loved making food for family and friends. I started to cook at home naturally because of my Mother; she is a Chef as well and I was always her assistant. 

How would you define your style? 

While I grew up in Korea and my Mother was a Chef, much to her disappointment I have always preferred western food. Here in Australia I have been exposed to many different cuisines and ideas, and I incorporate all of these in my dishes. I think it’s really important that my food connects with everyone that dines in our restaurant; I want my dishes to have elements that will resonate with diners reminding them of great meals and times they have had in the past. 

What is your feature flavour these days? 

I wouldn’t pick just one flavour, however I love simple clean flavours. 

Obsessive compulsive about? 

On time, every time, all the time. 

Your greatest culinary inspirations/influences: 

I would say Tony Carroll is my mentor both in and out of the kitchen. As a strictly culinary influence, I would say Ross Lusted. He is an artist and I learned a lot about culinary arts from him. 

What do you love about this business? 

Working as a team. 

An ingredient you can’t live without? 

Salt, the most important ingredient. 

Most ‘eyebrow raising’ menu item? 

Beetroot, beetroot, beetroot. I can’t tell you more about the dish… it’s a surprise. 

Signature dish: 

Scallop pudding with sea butter.

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