About Eden Brewery
Bringing beer back to its roots, drop by Eden Brewery on Cavendish Street in Mittagong for a cold one and boozy burger with your mates. More than just another brewery, Eden is built on the foundation of doing good and being a positive influence on the community, donating 10% of profits to Oxfam as a way of providing clean drinking water to those in need. Using 100% green renewable energy, the brewery is an uncomplicated and relaxed space where you can get back to the basics, talk, share life and bond over a good beer. Perhaps wrap your hands around a triple beef burger with Swiss cheese, capsicum and jalapeno aioli from the food truck, washed down by an icy schooner of Joshua Tree Lager, or special release Driftwood Pilsner; before grabbing a mixed six-pack to take home for later.
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