AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

El Diablo - Recipe by Hayden Moore-O’Brien and Yogesh Dumre

El Diablo - Recipe by Hayden Moore-O’Brien and Yogesh Dumre


1/2 whole lime (20mL juice)
45mL Espolon Blanco Tequila
15mL Crème de Cassis
90mL Royal Jamaican ginger beer
1 cup ice


Roll a whole lime to help break down its juices and oils, cut in half.

Juice lime half into shaker tin. Invert juices lime husk and leave off to the side for garnish.

Add 1 1/2 shots of tequila into shaker tin and shake with ice.

Fill a Collins glass with ice.

Simultaneously single strain the lime/tequila over the ice, while pouring the ginger beer until the glass is mostly full.

Wedge the inverted lime husk into the top of the glass so it forms a cup. Pour 1/2 shot of Crème de Cassis into the lime husk.

Before drinking/serving, push the edge of the lime husk down with a straw and slowly allow the drink to mix.

Recipe provided by Cantina Bar