AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

Feta, Spinach and Mushroom Egg Muffins - Recipe by Alison Wright

Feta, Spinach and Mushroom Egg Muffins - Recipe by Alison Wright


6 medium free-range eggs
1 Tbs milk
1/4 cup chopped mushrooms
1/4 cup chopped spinach
30g feta, crumbled
1 Tbs chopped basil
1/4 cup diced red pepper
1/4 chopped spring onions
Salt and pepper to taste


Heat oven to 180 C.

Grease muffin tray with butter – to prevent sticking, or use a silicone baking tray.

Whisk eggs, milk and salt and pepper. Fold in other ingredients and distribute evenly into a muffin tray. Fill to about 1 cm below top and cook in oven for about 20 minutes.

Muffins should be springy to touch. Leave to cool a little before removing.


Can be eaten hot or cold. Serve with a small salad, or eat them on their own. Can be kept in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 4 days.

Credits: Alimentary

Photo Credits: Alimentary