AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

Lamb, Buckwheat, Sheep’s Yoghurt, Rhubarb BBQ Sauce - Chef Recipe by Elliot Platz

Lamb, Buckwheat, Sheep’s Yoghurt, Rhubarb BBQ  Sauce - Chef Recipe by Elliot Platz


Rhubarb BBQ sauce:

25 g garlic
6 g chilli flakes
400mL bone jus
175 g brown sugar
400 g rhubarb, roughly chopped
45mL soy sauce
30mL fish sauce
4 g salt
50mL rice wine vinegar

Sheep's yoghurt:

200 g sheeps' yoghurt
2 Tbs water
Salt to taste


2L water
400 g buckwheat
4 Tbs puffed buckwheat
Pinch salt

Lamb loin:

1 kg lamb loin, deboned with saddle attached.


Rhubarb BBQ sauce:

Place rhubarb and garlic in a high saucepan on medium-high heat. Sweat and colour.

Once coloured, add sugar and chilli and cook to a jam-like consistency. Add the remaining ingredients and combine.

Once combined, transfer to blender/Thermomix and blend on high for 1 minute. Pass through fine sieve and store.

Sheep's yoghurt:

Combine all ingredients and store until use.


Bring water to a boil on high heat, While boiling add buckwheat and boil for 4 minutes.

Strain and cool to room temperature then store.

In a saucepan on medium heat, cook lightly with olive oil and salt to taste. Finish with puffed buckwheat.

Lamb Loin:

Roll, portion into 4 even pieces and cook 55 C for 45 minutes in a sous vide bath, finish lightly over coals or in a medium heat saucepan.

To plate:

Dollop yoghurt onto plate.

Cut lamb loin into 2 even pieces, let bleed for 30 seconds and serve face side up.

Spoon BBQ sauce onto one piece, leaving the second piece exposed.

Gently spoon buckwheat over BBQ sauce.

Season with salt, garnish accordingly.