AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano
Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano

Potato Gnocchi - Chef Recipe by Dario Milano


1 kg potatoes, Desiree, Dutch Cream or King Edward
250 g plain flour
100 g grated Parmesan
1 egg
Ground black pepper
Ground nutmeg


Choose good quality potatoes that are similar in size. Boil or steam the potatoes. Boil with the skin on, or steam peeled. You can steam potatoes whole or cut into pieces; if you cut them, make sure the pieces are similar in size so they will cook in the same time.

When cooked, let the potatoes rest until all the steam comes out of them, then “ rice “ them using the potato ricer. Rather than making a tall pile of mashed potato, spread it on a tray so the humidity doesn’t get trapped inside.

Now add all the ingredients on a working bench ( wood is great but anything will do ) and work them with your hands quickly just until they come together. Don’t over work.

Divide your “ dough “ into smaller pieces because it’s easier to roll them. Add a little flour to your working bench, dust the slab you cut off lightly with flour and roll it into a small log, the shape of a thin, long snake. Be gentle as you roll and try to use your palms more than your fingers. Dust with flour as needed to prevent sticking.

Now cut the “ snake “ crosswise into small gnocchi, using a bench scraper, a knife or a spatula. Gently push those gnocchi aside, keeping them well floured to prevent them from sticking to each other, then repeat with the remaining dough.

Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil over medium heat. Add one-quarter of gnocchi (drop onto base of pan in a single layer, but don't overcrowd as they can stick together) and cook for 3 minutes or until they rise to the surface. Use a slotted spoon to drain and transfer to a bowl. Cover with foil to keep warm. Repeat, in 3 more batches, with the remaining gnocchi.

Mix through your favourite fresh pesto or tomato sauce and fresh herbs.

You can also freeze the gnocchi raw to defrost and cook later.


Potato Ricer.

Credits: Dario Milano