AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

Turkish Coffee - By Aysegul Sanford

Turkish Coffee - By Aysegul Sanford


3 Turkish coffee cup sized cups of cold filtered water (1 1/2 cup)
2 Tbsp (heaped) ground Turkish coffee
Sugar - as requested


Place the sugar (if desired), water, and Turkish coffee in metal Turkish coffee pot (Cezve). Using a small spoon, stir briefly until just combined and place pot on stove top.

Slowly bring coffee mixture to a boil over medium heat. This will take 3-4 minutes, so keep a close watch. As the coffee warms, you will see a dark foam building up. Closer to it coming to a boil, using a teaspoon, transfer some of the foam into each of your two Turkish coffee cups. Return coffee pot to stove top.

As coffee comes to a boil, pour half of the coffee into the cups, over the foam.

Return coffee pot to stove top and boil the remaining coffee for an additional 15-20 seconds and pour the rest in to the coffee cups to the rim.

Serve with water and Turkish delight.


1 Cezve - Turkish coffee pot

Credits: Foolproof Living by Aysegul Sanford