Coonawarra and the Limestone Coast Wineries
Patrick of Coonawarra invites you to experience a unique range of premium wines with style, quality and elegance, produced in the heart of the Coonawarra region in South Australia. Patrick Tocaciu ...
Since 1840 the Flint family have been running Flint's of Coonawarra Winery and all that hard work has paid off. The success of this winery can be partly attributed to the terra rossa soil, recogniz...
Henry's Drive is a Shiraz specialist where you can enjoy light lunches in the cellar door including platters and pizza.
Coonawarra Jack Winery is a must when heading to the south's famous wine region. Established in 2011, Coonawarra Jack Winery is family owned and operated, providing visitors with an all-round vine...