I hate tacos said no Juan ever! It’s a double whammy this Saturday, September 16 as we celebrate Mexico’s Independence and National Guacamole Day – grab a cerveza, tear open a bag of corn chips and kick back!
Here are five fun facts about our favourite Mexican all rounder!

•The Aztecs invented guacamole…when the Spaniards arrived in the New World, they discovered an Aztec sauce called ahuaca-molli; the name refers to something mashed and testicles, as the stone fruit reminded them of this part of the body.
•In the early 20th Century, our favourite fruit went by the unappealing name of ‘alligator pear’ due to its bumpy green skin – it has also been called a butter pear.

•The world’s largest bowl of guacamole weighed in at 4123 kg, that’s the weight of three midsize cars, about 130 golden retrievers, or roughly 6060 chipotle burritos; it all came together at a New York Jets NFL game in 2019.
• There are more than 450 varieties of avocado grown around the world, but the Hass – named after a US postal worker Rudolph Hass, who has owned the patent for the seedling since 1935 – is the most popular.
•Guacamole, buffalo wings and pizza are the most consumed foods during Superbowl Sunday.