Did you know that every time you place an order with a third-party delivery service, your local favourite is getting stung with a whopping 30-35% on commissions?

Let’s do the maths. It’s Saturday night, you have a hankering for pizza and place an order with your go-to pizza joint down the road for $30.
35% of 30 = $10.50
That means your beloved local favourite is only getting $19.50 from your $30 order.
The good news is, not all third-party websites take commissions. Look out for the WOWAPPS logo when placing an online order. Feel good knowing that 100% of your social distancing dollars are going directly to the cafe or restaurant you ordered from.

Order direct & spread the word via your socials!
- Download artwork here
- Re-post it on your Instagram story and tag the restaurant you order direct from
- Use the hashtag #forkcommissions & #agfg
If you feel that your local restaurant could benefit from a commission-free online ordering system offered by our trusted tech partner, WOWAPPS, then please share this link with them, and continue to support your local during these unprecedented times.
Learn more about how restaurants are suffering through third party websites here.