‘Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble.’ – William Shakespeare.
Ghostly greetings readers – we witch you a Happy Halloween!
Please park all brooms at the door as we prepare to eat, drink and be scary on this All Hallows’ Eve. Don’t be a scaredy-cat, embrace all things ghostly as black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam in homes around Australia.
We have all the tricks and treats to ensure you kick start a spook-tacular night on Monday, October 31 - whether preparing for a spooky soiree or a night in watching scary moves, these fang-tastic recipes are fear-inspiring for a great evening.
Be creepily creative and serve your guests a monster-mashed feast, washed down by a bone-rattling cocktail…
May you have a hair-raising experience, chills and thrills with this spooky chocolate cake, from My Kitchen Stories. A very easy chocolate fudge cake with buttercream frosting and black icing, let your imagination go wild and decorate with any kind of spooky sweets, such as black balls and skulls.

We’ll eat as soon as the children get here…with these gluten-free witches' legs cupcakes, decorated with black liquorice boots on striped straws, sticking out of the top of the cakes. A fun recipe to cook with the kids as they prepare for an evening of trick or treating and much hocus pocus, these mortal morsels will disappear as quickly as a ghoul in the night.

Cantina Bar mixologists Hayden Moore-O’Brien and Yogesh Dumre recommend trying the venue’s signature El Diablo as a refreshing classic Summer cocktail, ideal for a hairy Halloween. Created in 1946 at Trader Vic’s, this drink was originally named the ‘Mexican El Diablo’.
"At Cantina, we reckon we’ve perfected the balance of this cocktail, having tested different combinations of tequila and ginger to ensure every element complements each other without overpowering,” Hayden says.

"We serve this drink layered with the liqueur resting inside a lime husk, so that every glass starts with a little show – the heavier liquid sinks to the bottom with a blood-like effect, leading to the drink’s name.”
Now you are ready to hit the streets to fill bags with candy and hearts with fear…may your jack-o-lantern burn bright all through the night! For more hair-raising recipes to raise the dead, click here.