AUSTRALIAN GOOD FOOD GUIDE - Home of the Chef Hat Awards

How to Stay Healthy During Party Season - From Wellness Personality Luke Hines

By Marie-Antoinette Issa.

September signals the start of Spring and the many social occasions that accompany it - as well as the very real struggle to stay healthy during the Party Season! In fact, according to health tracking app, MyFitnessPal, the month is marked by a whopping 80% of Australian users logging weight loss as the primary goal over this time.
How to Stay Healthy During Party Season - From Wellness Personality Luke Hines

However, according to Chef, Nutritionist and My Fitness Pal ambassador Luke Hines, it can actually be easy to adopt healthy socialising tips to ensure you can enjoy both your favourite foods and the festivities! 

Saturday Brunch Outings:

Social brunches are a fantastic way to catch up with friends and family, but often come with a tempting spread of calorie-laden dishes. Here are Luke’s best healthy socialising tips to enjoy your brunch while staying on track.

Healthier alternatives
How to Stay Healthy During Party Season - From Wellness Personality Luke Hines

Opt for whole-grain or protein-packed versions of brunch favourites. Instead of traditional pancakes made with refined wheat flour, try using oats or almond flour. For pastries, choose fruit-based options rather than sugary varieties. "These swaps can provide the same satisfying experience while boosting nutritional value,” Luke says.

Balancing the day

To balance a hearty brunch with the rest of your day, focus on nutrient-dense foods for subsequent meals. "After a substantial brunch, choose lighter options like leafy greens, lean proteins and healthy fats for lunch and dinner. Using a nutrition app like MyFitnessPal can help you track your intake and ensure you’re meeting your goals without sacrificing flavour,” Luke advises.
How to Stay Healthy During Party Season - From Wellness Personality Luke Hines

Bottomless brunch drinks

Bottomless brunch drinks can be a hidden source of excess calories. Luke recommends alternating between alcoholic beverages and water to stay hydrated. "Opt for lighter drinks such as Mimosas made with fresh juice or spritzers mixed with soda water to keep your calorie count in check,” he says.

Outdoor Picnics:

Picnics are also a great way to enjoy the outdoors and good food, but it’s important to choose nutritious options.

Nutritious picnic foods

For a healthy picnic, prepare easy-to-carry foods that are both nutritious and delicious. "Vegetable wraps, quinoa salads and hummus with veggie sticks are excellent choices,” Luke recommends. These options are easy to pack and provide a satisfying, nutrient-rich meal.
How to Stay Healthy During Party Season - From Wellness Personality Luke Hines

Classic staples with a spin
To make traditional picnic foods healthier, Luke suggests using whole-grain bread for sandwiches and incorporating lean proteins like grilled chicken. "Load your sandwiches with plenty of leafy greens and veggies to add nutrients without compromising on taste. For snacks, homemade trail mix with nuts, seeds and dried fruits is a great option,” he says.

Hydrating food

On a hot day, staying hydrated is crucial. "Pack water-rich fruit such as watermelon, cucumber slices and oranges. These foods help keep you hydrated and refreshed,” Luke advises.

Warm Weather Weddings:

Weddings often feature indulgent foods and free-flowing drinks. Here are Luke’s top tips to navigate these events while staying healthy.
How to Stay Healthy During Party Season - From Wellness Personality Luke Hines

Navigating indulgent eats
To enjoy the rich offerings at weddings without overindulging, start with lighter choices like salads, grilled vegetables and lean proteins. "These options are nutrient-dense and can help you fill up before sampling richer dishes,” Luke says.

Balancing treats

When it comes to wedding cake and cocktails, moderation is key. "Savour a small portion of cake or a cocktail and make mindful choices. Incorporating healthy snacks like nuts or fruit throughout the day can also help maintain your energy and avoid excessive indulgence.”

Staying hydrated

At all-day events, staying hydrated is essential. "Drink plenty of water and snack on energy-boosting foods like nuts and fruit,” Luke recommends. This will help you stay hydrated and energised throughout the celebration.

How to Stay Healthy During Party Season - From Wellness Personality Luke Hines

Travel or Road Trips:

Long weekend travels often mean cheeky snacks and tempting fast food stops. Here’s how Luke suggests you stay healthy on the road.
Portable and nutritious snacks

Pack snacks that are both nutritious and easy to carry. "Mixed nuts, protein bars, whole-grain crackers with cheese and fresh fruit are great options. These snacks provide lasting energy and are easy to pack.”

Avoiding fast food temptation

To resist the urge for unhealthy fast food, prepare homemade sandwiches, wraps and veggie sticks in advance. "Bringing your own snacks helps you stay on track with your nutrition goals and avoid processed food,” Luke says.

How to Stay Healthy During Party Season - From Wellness Personality Luke Hines
Fill up

Hydration can be challenging during long trips. Pack a refillable water bottle and set reminders to drink regularly. If water isn’t easily available, use hydrating foods like cucumber slices, oranges or grapes to help maintain fluid intake.

Workplace Celebrations:

Office birthdays, team farewells (or new starters), Friday pub lunches and even charitable initiatives like R U OK? Day, often come with cakes and sweets. However, according to Luke, here’s how to make healthier choices.

Better for you foods

For workplace celebrations, Luke suggests bringing healthier alternatives such as fruit platters, yoghurt parfaits or baked goods made with whole grains and reduced sugar. "These options are festive but better for maintaining a balanced diet,” he notes.
How to Stay Healthy During Party Season - From Wellness Personality Luke Hines

Portion control

To manage portion sizes around tempting foods, Luke advises filling your plate with vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains first. "This approach ensures you’re making healthier choices while still enjoying the celebration,” he says.

Better buffet choices 

At buffet-style meals - such as pastry-packed morning teas or work conferences in hotels - focus on filling your plate with nutrient-dense options. "Opt for vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains to make healthier choices while still enjoying the variety,” Luke recommends.

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