By Leigh O’Connor, Editor.
Having been told he would never be a father again, holding his two-week-old daughter Aluna on Father’s Day in 2017 is a special memory Matt Golinski will never forget.
As we prepare to celebrate all the important men in our lives on Sunday, September 3, Matt talks exclusively to AGFG about fatherhood and life after he hung up his apron at View restaurant 10 months ago.
We all know the tragic history to this Celebrity Chef’s journey in life, losing his wife and three daughters in a house fire on the Sunshine Coast along with sustaining burns to 40% of his body.
Enter Erin Yarwood, who not only masterminded his rehabilitation but also won his heart and together they now have two young daughters – Aluna and Tillie.
Moving to acreage at Kin Kin after leaving Peppers Noosa Resort, Matt has still been doing plenty of cooking as well as honing his farming, building, plumbing, gardening and landscaping skills.

"We never get bored! Both Erin and I grew up on acreage so we knew what we were getting ourselves into and we love it. We are both keen gardeners and having endless space and good fertile soil makes it easy to grow whatever we want (or at least try to).
"Every day is a new lesson in something, whether it is pruning a fruit tree, wrangling a snake or building a fence.”
The girls are thriving since the move – Aluna has just learned to ride her bike, so she’s off to practise in the paddock every day after school and Matt says Tillie loves the endless supply of avocados and strawberries.
"Having animals is pretty popular too. We just got ourselves a two-month-old Saddleback pig (no, not to eat) and collecting eggs is like finding a little present every day.”
What does Erin think about having her husband around most of the time?
"There’s more bad jokes, more snoring and more wet towels on the floor.”
Planning for a Father’s Day BBQ on the shores of Boreen Point followed by beers at the Apollonian, Matt is also hoping to be spoilt by his girls with breaky – just so you can treat your Dad, he shares his recipe for sautéed oyster mushrooms, goats’ cheese, black garlic and rocket on grilled sourdough.

"Oyster mushrooms are one of my favourite ingredients at the moment, they have such a great texture and flavour. I have access to some really good local ones from a couple of very dedicated growers who live near me.
"Teamed with lashings of really good goats’ cheese like Meredith and slivers of black garlic on charry sourdough and you have the ultimate bruschetta that makes a perfect Father’s Day breakfast or brunch.”
Matt once told me life balance is something he is not very good at, so I had to ask the question – ‘how’s the view now?’
"I’m still not good at it, I just have different stuff I say yes to now!"
Happy Father’s Day to all those Dads who know exactly what he’s talking about…