Passionate cook, health-coach and PT, Scott Gooding, has been helping people reach their true potential since 2005. In 2013, he made his mark in the semi-finals of Channel 7’s MKR, where he shared his version of healthy food.
Now a Chef, Author and Thought Leader, Scott is encouraging people to cook real food at home for not only themselves but their loved ones. At his website, the Scott Gooding Project, he shares easy, delicious and affordable recipes. While being an advocate of the high fat, low carb (keto) style diet, Scott also believes that true health is more than weight loss.
"While I understand the desire to shed a few stubborn kilos I don’t believe that weight loss should be the primary goal when it comes to good health - though this may very well be a knock-on effect. I know too many women (and men) who obsess over the desire to be ‘perfect’ and it’s not a fun or healthy way to live. Instead I believe in eating delicious anti-inflammatory food, regular exercise and education around mental wellness, food psychology and the most important ingredient in life... FUN. To me these are the markers of good health,” says Scott.
The team, Neera Scott, Cliff Harvey, Glenn Mackintosh and Scott Gooding.
He’s taken his project website, cooking classes and books, ‘Clean Living’ and ‘The Keto Diet’ to a new level with his latest program,, where he teams up with Cliff Harvey - a registered clinical nutritionist and naturopath, Glenn Mackintosh - a resident psychologist on Channel Ten’s The Biggest Loser: Transformed and Neera Scott, who has 25 years of experience as a meditation practitioner and yoga teacher.
Together, they bring you more than a weight loss program,
they give you the tools to totally recondition your lifestyle. With support for
your mind and body, will take you on an 8-week journey for the
better; with meal plans, workouts, mindset coaching, nutritional guidance and
guided meditations, holistic health couldn’t be easier to access.
Reflecting Scott’s life work to date, has just launched and is available online from as little as $2.19 a day. If you feel like you need to make a change, we have a signed copy of The Keto Diet, plus access to the complete 8-week program up for grabs on our Facebook page here, at 4pm AEST, July 6.
To give you a taste, Scott has shared 10 recipes with us that you can replicate at home to get you started on a path of wellness.